Nature Based Programs
Experience the Healing Power of Nature
Researchers have increasingly brought attention to the enormous benefits the outdoors can have on individuals experiencing trauma, depression, and other mental health challenges. Plus, it’s great for the body! Exercise. Fresh Air. Oxygen. Beauty. Peace.
A 2021 study published in Parks Stewardship Forum details the myriad of ways that equitable access to nature positively impacts individuals from BIPOC communities with the ability to heal from trauma, improve interpersonal relationships, and further help to address racial injustice or inequities in natural spaces.
Equitable access is not currently the reality for the majority of BIPOC and low-income communities. The Center for American Progress found that 74% of communities of color and 70% of low-income communities in the United States are in areas without access to natural spaces. Contrastingly, for predominately white communities inability to access nature only impacts 23%.
Light of Loving Kindness visualizes “a future in which all young people, regardless of race, economic status, gender, sexual orientation, and/or background see themselves as unique, creative, and powerful human beings” (LOLK Vision Statement). To make this a reality, we create events in nature that increase possibilities for communities burdened by a lack of access to safe nature resources a reality. Through our partnerships with the Chicago Park District, the Forest Preserves of Cook County, NCH2, the Field Museum, and TCA Health, the ability to find oneself, feel whole, complete, and at peace in nature is made a reality.